Sunday, August 8, 2010

Locks of Love

Back in February Miss Hannah decided to have her hair cut off for Locks of Love. She was born with a lot of hair and it has always grown very fast! Here is a before shot of all her long glorious hair...Are you sure you want to do this, little girl? Yep, she's sure. When she makes up her mind there's almost no changing it!
Here we go... First they put it into a braid.
Snip, Snip!
Now for some stylin' and dryin'...
Oh, my goodness, what a cutie! I can't tell if she looks more grown up or more like a "little girl". She was quite proud of her braided ponytail!
And sissy decided to join in the fun for a cut too!


Brenda and Dan said...

Hannah's hair looks so much longer when you see it in a pic like this!

about us

The West Ranch currently consists of Ted, head Rancher, Angela, Ted's right hand woman, and two busy little wranglers, Emelia and Hannah.