Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lord, Help Me!

Yeah, so we were driving home from dance lessons tonight and the girls were happily conversing (mostly) while I was tuning them out listening to music or just thinking....

And then all of a sudden what came out of my eldest daughter's mouth perked up my ears really fast. I heard her say, "...Look, it's teenage boys..." and she starts knocking on our windows!

Oh, mercy me, my heart almost stopped! I looked to my left and there beside me was a car with (sure enough) two teenage boys sitting in it! UFF DAH! UFF DAH MAYA! Ummm, is my daughter 8 1/2 or 16 1/2? I immediately said, EMELIA! STOP THAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

Hello, I thought I was homeschooling and that my children were going to be nice sheltered kids... And we go to a baptist church for heaven's sake! Somebody help me, please! Honestly, I am not ready for that phase of my life. And she is 8, as in EIGHT, as in sweet, innocent...

OK, yes, I am starting to hyperventilate and I can hear you all telling me to breathe. That's right, breathe in and out, slowly. And while I am breathing Ted, lock that girl in the closet. O.K. dad, now I know what you mean about "You can't date until you are married". I like the sounds of that. Or, "You can't date until you are 30!"

Oh, what is this world a comin' to? Come soon, sweet Jesus, come soon! And to my dear sweet hubby, maybe we should get that girl a horse as soon as possible! (Some lady told us in a tack store once that havin' a horse for a girl helps keep her mind off the boys...)


Cristina said...

Yes, Lord help you! Oh my goodness!! I think I would be hyperventilating too! I almost feel like I'm hyperventilating now. Oh wow! You probably freaked out so much and so fast that she won't do that again anytime soon.

Brenda and Dan said...

She is her Mother's were heart broken at "6" when we told you can't date until you are at least 16! :):)

Jenny said...

Well, count yourself as lucky it took her this long to make comments such as that! This weekend Nana took our family out to eat at Raisin' Canes, and Gigi requested to sit next to the picture of Jesse "the Body" Ventura! She even said, "I really like him." and then continued to comment throughout the meal.

about us

The West Ranch currently consists of Ted, head Rancher, Angela, Ted's right hand woman, and two busy little wranglers, Emelia and Hannah.